Friday 12 June 2015

Grimm: Mishipeshu

 "Most crime everywhere is Wesen-related..."

I'm British and therefore know sod all about Native Americans; we mostly still think it's ok to use the phrase "Red Indian", after all. (Although, conversely, we also think the portrayal of Apu in The Simpsons is vaguely racist, and the less said about Short Circuit the better.) But this is one of the best stories based on Native American lore that I've seen in all of popular culture, dealing directly with racism, and using the Wesen as metaphor (remember when that happened every episode) in a rather neat and, it seems, appropriate way. And there's a CGI goat ghost, which is always good.

I also like the non-linear beginning, fast forwarding to a future scene of Hank trying to kill Nick, deceptively exciting when shorn of its context. It's good to see Grimm showing the confidence to do clever things it never would have attempted a few seasons ago. This episode's story of the week follows the recent run of good 'uns.

Meanwhile Juliette, in her extended car crash since becoming a Hexenbeist, is arrested for brawling in a bar, embarrassing her policeman fiancé somewhat. It's clear that the arc or is moving into the foreground in these last few episodes of the season, hence the relatively straightforward "a" plot here.  Juliette is getting the upper hand in her frequent verbal sparrings with Nick, which are taking place more and more often. 

The ending is exciting, with a bit of extra-judicial killing at the end, but there's so much going on in the arc right now: roll on next episode...

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